美國標準 AAMI EC53心電電纜和導線測試
| 更新時間 2024-12-27 20:00:00 價格 請來電詢價 測試周期 5-7天 寄樣地址 深圳寶安 價格費用 電話詳談 聯系電話 17324413130 聯系手機 17324413130 聯系人 羅卓文 立即詢價 |
Test or certification info 測試和認證相關內容:
本標準涵蓋用于采集心臟監護儀/遙測發射器(ANSI/AAMI/IEC 60601-2-27)、診斷心電圖儀(ANSI/AAAMI/IEC60601-1-2-25)和動態心電圖記錄器/事件記錄器(ANSI/AAMI/IEC 6001-2.47)的表面心電圖(ECG)監測信號的主干電纜和患者導線。從Zui廣泛的意義上講,本標準適用于任何使用患者導線和可能的ECG主干電纜采集表面心電圖信號的ECG設備
The objective of this standard is to allow ECG TRUNK CABLES and PATIENT LEADWIRES to be interchanged between ECG DEVICES with isolated PATIENT connections by establishing a common interface between the TRUNK CABLE and the PATIENT LEADWIRE connectors. Performance and safety criteria for TRUNK CABLES and PATIENT LEADWIRES used with isolated PATIENT connectors are also specified. This standard's original scope related to TRUNK CABLES and PATIENT LEADWIRES used with cardiac monitors. The scope was extended to include PATIENT LEADWIRES used with other ECG DEVICES including diagnostic electrocardiographs, ambulatory ECG (Holter) recorders/event recorders and ECG telemetry.
Others 其他信息:
Photo for reference 涉及圖片:
Sample report 樣本報告:
- 電 話:17324413130
- 檢測工程師:羅卓文
- 手 機:17324413130